12 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

2012 Plymouth Church Yankee Fair Helps Sandy Victims

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Kids had a great time at Plymouth Church's Yankee Fair in Brooklyn Heights on Saturday morning. The fair is a sweet neighborhood tradition, with rides and bouncy castles on Orange Street, arts & crafts, entertainment, gifts, books and hot lunch in Hillis Hall.

Besides raising money to restore church buildings and fund scholarships for Plymouth Church School, this year proceeds are also going to the St. John's Bread and Life mobile soup kitchen, which is helping victims of Hurricane Sandy. People also dropped off donations for Red Hook Initiative, the organization helping hard-hit Red Hook.

Pony rides were a big hit, as always. The ponies came from Brooklyn Stables.

Old-fashioned cotton candy.
Home-baked goodies.
Kudos to the many volunteers who baked goods, cooked lunch and manned the booths and tables.

Photos by MK Metz

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