Jay Maslow
Talk about taking things into your own hands. A student at James Madison High School, which has been dubbed “Horndog High” for its terrible reputation with sex scandals, is exposing his fellow students and teachers. Sick of the behavior at his school, the “Ghost Rhymer” as he calls himself, is singing about sexual sins and demanding changes.
Jay Maslow has created the recent four minute rant and he’s put it on YouTube for all to enjoy. In it, he includes lyrics full of swearing about teachers who have been found with students and other scandals.
As he raps,
“Pretty normal, right? It’s like a porno site.”
While he keeps the names of the offenders under wraps, he threatens in his rap to expose their names if things don’t change at the school. As he explained recently to The Daily News,
“By exposing what’s going on I hope the teachers and the administration change their act.”
At school on Friday, Jay Maslow and his record label Horror Flick Entertainment, handed out 2500 copies of the single, much to the chagrin of school officials.
School officials, who originally demanded a meeting with Maslow’s parents, have sense backed down and are trying to figure out their next move. Maslow argued, “I want to expose the truth. Why don’t I have the right to speak about that? It’s my First Amendment right. I learned that in school.”
The kid’s got a point.
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