Briana Ojeda
After 11-year old Briana Ojeda died from cardiac arrest in the presence of a New York Police Department officer in 2010, Briana’s family has been pushing lawmakers in Albany to pass a law requiring NYPD officers to be better trained in CPR.
The officer sadly did not even attempt to perform CPR on the asthmatic girl despite the pleas of Briana’s mother, presumably because he did not feel qualified to administer CPR correctly.
This past Tuesday the Ojedas discussed with New York legislators a bill that would improve the training in CPR of police officers by requiring them to take more CPR courses during their careers.
Presently police officers are taught CPR during their training in police academy, but those in favor of the new law say that police officers do not get refresher courses often enough.
"Studies have shown that those who are trained quickly forget the details of how to perform CPR, even doctors and nurses," said Dr. Arthur Meltzer, a supporter of the law which will mandate more training courses.
Brooklyn Assemblyman Félix Ortiz of the 51st District is the bill’s sponsor. Ortiz says that the law would require police officers to get continuous, updated training, similar to the training they receive in weapons use.
"You have police officer training on how to shoot more efficiently but not how to save lives more effectively," Ortiz said.
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