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Since we're useless at food prep or cooking, after we dropped off our donations for Occupy Sandy's Thanksgiving dinners at the kitchen at St. Johns Episcopal Church in Bay Ridge, we went up Fourth Avenue to Sunset Park to report for more suitable duty at one of the Occupy Sandy Recovery centers, St. Jacobi Lutheran Church, a beehive of frenetic activity.

It is a distribution and drop-off center,

and cars were lined up Fourth Avenue outside on both sides of the streets, getting loaded with food as Occupy Sandy volunteers in bright yellow vests skillfully directed the vehicles.

At the reception area, we filled our name, address, email, and phone; made a nametag with our first name;

and were told to report to the church sanctuary for new volunteer orientation

facilitated by Abraham, who explained a lot in a short period of time

in the spirit of the Occupy movement and an awareness of the needs of both volunteers (make sure you take care of yourself first, he said, and not overwork) and the people we will be working with.

There were lines outside for drivers and a shorter one for those of us who didn't have a car.

Four of us were assigned to go to Rockaway with Jordi from Bed-Stuy and we got into his car and were off,

our destination: Beach 113th Street in Rockaway.

We were excited to be going to a place we considered home but also a little afraid we'd be depressed at seeing destruction and devastation in an area where we spent so much of our life.
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